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Rep. Roy's statement about the shooting in Uvalde, Texas

May 24, 2022

Dripping Springs, Texas — Rep. Chip Roy (TX-21) issued the following statement Tuesday:

Today’s tragic and senseless murders in Uvalde were the result of an indescribable act of evil. 
No words will capture the grief this tragedy has caused for the truly good people of Uvalde, Texas. The victims — most of whom were children — should be home with their families tonight.  As a father of two, I cannot  begin to fathom the pain.  
Evil will always exist in our midst; there is no way around that truth. But it is equally true that we are called to remain steadfast in our resolve to counter evil in all its forms with Grace, love, and the determination to pursue justice wherever it may lead. 
May God bring healing, consolation, and justice for the people of Uvalde and their loved ones.