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Rep. Chip Roy statement on anniversary of the fall of Kabul

August 15, 2023

WASHINGTON, DC — Representative Chip Roy (R-TX-21) issued the following statement Tuesday on the second anniversary of the fall of Kabul:

“President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan left more than 1,000 American citizens behind enemy lines, billions in U.S. military equipment in the hands of the Taliban and 13 service members dead. This administration still owes the American people answers and this House Republican majority owes them accountability through all necessary means at our disposal.

But Biden does not bear solitary blame for the Afghanistan disaster. He shares that culpability with the swamp politicians who, for almost two decades, provided no clear mission or strategic objectives for victory. Today, we continue to have decades-old, outdated Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMFs) on the books that provide no strategic clarity for the threats we face.

We will be a better, stronger nation if we pass S. 316 – which repeals the decades-old 1991 & 2002 AUMFs – and then work to give our men and women a clear mission under an updated 2001 AUMF. Just as we seek to do right by our veterans for the debts we will never fully repay, we owe it to those still in uniform and those yet to come to do better in how we conduct war and peace.”
